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American Legion Post 574

Morrison Memorial Post 574  proudly stands as a beacon of The American Legion's enduring promise, rooted in the solemn commitment of men and women who pledged their lives to defend and protect the United States through military service. This sacred promise commences at enlistment, blossoms through rigorous training and discipline in the U.S. Armed Forces, and perseveres beyond discharge, as our veterans continue their service to community, state, and nation.


In moments of crisis, Morrison Memorial Post 574, an integral part of The American Legion, steps boldly into turmoil, ardently fighting to provide essential assistance to those in need. We are a steadfast refuge for young individuals seeking positive opportunities, dedicated to mentoring generations into responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to society.


For veterans facing the challenges of life after service, Morrison Memorial Post 574 serves as a  advocate, offering support in achieving meaningful careers, accessing education, securing healthcare services, fostering friendships, and establishing stable homes—all provided freely and without reservation.


Our commitment extends to active-duty, National Guard, and Reserve personnel, as we stand as dedicated supporters of a robust and well-resourced national defense. As former troops ourselves, we understand the paramount importance of home-front support.


Legionnaires at Morrison Memorial Post 574 actively engage with Moreno Valley community, tirelessly reminding them that freedom and prosperity come at a price, often paid in blood. Distinguishing between Memorial Day and Veterans Day, we passionately raise funds, contribute countless hours, and bring into existence monuments and memorials to preserve the memories and incidents of our shared experiences in all wars.


With unwavering respect, Morrison Memorial Post 574 salutes the flag and implores all others to join us in showing respect for the unity, freedom, and hope it symbolizes. Within our ranks, there is no rank or prejudice—only purpose. A veteran is a veteran, and the purpose of veterans at Morrison Memorial Post 574 is to strengthen the United States of America through programs, services, compassion, and actions that have proven vital, timeless, and life-changing for over a century.

Get in Touch

Al Mendoza, USAF



James Vass, USAF

1st Vice Commander


Mike "Wrench" Yirka, USAF

2nd Vice Commander

George Salas, USAF

3rd Vice Commander

Art Gonzales, USA


Michael Heckenlaible, USAF

Finance Officer

LaSharon Perez, USN

Service Officer


Michael Heckenlaible, USAF

Judge Advocate

Cindy Gaffey, USAF


Chris Tinsley, USAF


Mario Miranda, USA


James Vass, USAF

Past Commander


Rick Albertson, USA

Executive Board

Brian Brown, USA

Executive Board

Bill Henry, USA

Executive Board


John "Mac" McDermott, USAF

Mario Miranda, USA

Executive Board

Executive Board

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